Cumulative MOBILE

Edited: 07.01.2025
Viewed: 147
  • Sum: 20,000.00 - 50,000,000.00 Dram
  • Term: 365 - 550 days
  • Payment: monthly
  • Addition: allowed
  • Reduce: prohibited
  • Termination: allowed (1.00%)

Special Term
In case of deposit early withdrawal on the Depositor’s demand, the following interest rates are applied, % Currency Number of days,** Annual Interest Rate
up to 550 days 551 - 730 days 731 days and over
Demand deposit interest rate
7.00 8.00
USD 3.00 3.50

** Calculation for days and recalculation of the interest is done separately for each replenished amount, starting from the day following the replenishment day.
